I just finished reading my 50th book for 2019, and I’m confident that I’ll reach my goal of reading 200 books this year. A lot of people are asking me for tips on how to read more, so I figured I’d write about it here.
The #1 advice I have is to ALWAYS have a book on you. I personally hate carrying anything around, but you have to do it. There’s been so many times when I’ve been stuck on the subway and able to read 100 pages underground. We’re also always waiting in general: in line at the pharmacy, for a person to show up to brunch, etc…those minutes add up, and it makes your wait time so much more enjoyable.
Goodreads is also a great site that I’ve been using 24/7. It gives me suggestions on what to read next, helps me keep track of my goals, find similar readers and also make connections with thousands of other avid readers. I use this social media more than anything else out there.
Btw, sign up for a library card, and frequent it! I go every week, and check out ten books at a time sometimes. It’s free and a great place to get access to anything that will build up your knowledge and open your mind.
Just do it-just like with any goal, such as exercising or eating healthy, you have to just plain get at it. I love the feeling of being so wrapped up in a book, I just can’t put it down. But not all books are like that-I’d say at least half the books I read aren’t so captivating. But you have to discipline yourself and not give up (I very rarely don’t finish a book). Keep going, you can always find something to learn.
Value the written word. What’s awesome is that I’ve been feeling a lot more enlightened, inspired and moved by a myriad of authors since I got really invested in reading for the past two years. I notice a difference in my prose and speech, just like how Haruki Murakami talked about how as a runner, he noticed his face and body changing (in What I Talk About When I Talk About Running). And I love it. Reading will teach you life lessons, pierce your heart as you empathize with characters and comfort you through the darkest nights. Embrace it and integrate it into your daily lives. It’ll change you for sure.
PS-There’s me reading my “Walking Cookie Dough” book on the subway with my son and pup!